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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Google Update Google Confirms Algorithm Change

A Google update that observers say started on Nov. 16 has created a buzz on online message boards and search engine marketing newsletters, even spawning conspiracy theories among some posters.
Remember a couple days ago I reported on some major shifts in the Google search results? Well, this morning I spotted Google’s Matt Cutts requesting feedback on the change at WebmasterWorld.
In short, Matt said he did not see “large differences in rankings between these datacenters,” but he would like more feedback from the webmaster community.

Some sites have fallen from high rankings to the nether reaches, while others have gained better slots. While such shifts are nothing new, this time around some observers say it appears that Google is trying to penalize sites using the most aggressive search-engine-optimization techniques with keywords and links to rank well on Google results

To submit feedback, he asked for webmasters to use this form and place the word “dewey” in the “Additional details” text area on that form. By doing so, they will review specific cases to this Google algorithm change and use that feedback to help improve the quality of the search results.
So since Matt asked us to use the word “dewey,” why not code name this Google update the “Dewey” update? It has been a while since we named a Google update, and this is the first major update we have seen in a while that has really been widely noticed.